Sometimes I ask God 'why' about things like why did He let me become deaf at 18 months old, why did my mom have cancer when she was such a healthy human being, and so forth on. The more I ask why and try to find the answer, the more I am at a loss and I had to let it all go. Now I am simply waiting on Him. I know I will see my mom again soon! Why should I still grieve for her when she's with Jesus rejoicing and dancing? Of course there will always be times when I will miss her terribly and I will always miss her in a way everyday even without thinking about it.
I was thinking about how a thousand years here on Earth is but one day to God in Heaven and how even days is but a mere minute to Him and that gives me great comfort because that means I will arrive in Heaven just one minute after my mom got there!
I have no doubt that someday we will understand that God has a reason behind every happening and every no that He gives us through the course of our lives. Yet even in this life, He always make it up to us! When has God ever taken anything from a person without restoring it many times over? It is true that God never touches the heart with a trial without intending to bestow a greater gift or compassionate blessing. The person who knows how to wait has grown to an expectional degree in God's sufficient grace!
I love your beautiful heart, Emily Jane. :) *hug* And may you continue to grow in His grace... with each passing day. :) _\m/