"He is here for the broken and life to the one who is undone.
He is peace to the wounded and hope for the helpless one.
He is here, He is here.
Be still, my soul, be still...
Wait patiently upon the Lord, be still my soul, be still...
When the waves rise against me and the wind tries to blow me away, I will stand on the mountain and safe in Your arms, I will sing..."
~Kari Jobe
This is just a tiny glimpse of what I'm going through right now... with all the chaos going on and unexpected things happening among disappointments and joys.
But.. praise to the Lord for His faithfulness! He is my peace and strength and I will be nothing without Him.
I will sing in Your arms...
staying put
7 years ago
Oh, I love you, dear one! I so look forward to being with you! :) Soon, soon...